旧姓 輪野
第16回和歌山件音楽コンクール バイオリン高校生の部、奨励賞を受賞。
I.P.I.A.L.L. (イタリア・クレモナ 国立弦楽器製作学校。現 Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Antonio Stradivari”) 2010年卒業。学校では主にLorenzo MARCHI氏に師事し、またMassimo NEGRONI氏、Dario OCCHIPINTI氏、Dante Fulvio LAZZARI氏からも学ぶ。
在学中より Sandro ASINARI氏の工房に弟子入り。卒業後もアシスタントとして数年間働く。
音響研究・セットアップコース (Luca PRIMON氏、Gregg ALF氏、Andrea ORTONA氏から学ぶ)
撥弦楽器修理・修復コース、Museo del Violino (ヴァイオリン博物館)にて研修
Atelier Blot Violinsにて研修の後、修復スタッフとして働く。
Born in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan.
He had been playing the violin since he was a child.
He got an Encouragement Prize in the violin category of the 16th Wakayama Music Competition for High School Students.
He graduated Cremona International Violin making School “Antonio Stradivari” in 2010.
At the school he studied mainly with Lorenzo MARCHI, but also with Massimo NEGRONI, Dario OCCHIPINTI and Dante Fulvio LAZZARI.
He also started a Quintet with other violin maker student, in which he played first violin for several years in Italy.
During his studies he became an apprentice in the workshop of Sandro ASINARI. After graduation he worked as an assistant for several years.
After graduating from the Violin making School, he trained also in various professional courses.
Bow making Course
Acoustic Research and Set-up Course (learned from Luca PRIMON, Gregg ALF, Andrea ORTONA)
Bow Repair and Restoration Course
Plucked string instruments Repair and Restoration Course. And he was an intern at the Museo del Violino (Violin Museum).
Violin Repair and Restoration Course
After training at Atelier Blot Violins, He has been working as Restoration staff.
Also in Japan, he is mainly involved in the sale and maintenance of violins etc.